I have never been someone who was really into haircare, I would always grab whatever shampoo and conditioner were on sale, but from years of doing this, my hair has definitely suffered. Over the last couple of months, I have been wanting to change up my hair care routine and find products that work for my hair and on a recent trip to Superdrug, I saw that they had all of the Garnier Hair Food range and decided to give them a try. In today post, I'll be sharing with your my review on the Hair Food Shampoo & Conditioner from Garnier!

I am definitely late to the game with trying this product, I think they first came out last year and everyone was obsessed with the range but I never got around to trying it until now. I have read a couple of reviews about these products and the majority of them were really great and it only made me want to try them out more. This range has quite a few different versions of shampoo and conditioner, they have Aloe Vera for Normal hair with moisturising properties, Banana for Dry hair with nourishing properties, Watermelon for Fine hair with plumping properties, Papaya for Damaged hair with repairing properties and the version I went for Coconut for Curly hair with smoothing properties. 

I usually wear my hair straight but I naturally have curly hair that can get very frizzy and unruly when I straighten it so I thought the Coconut shampoo and conditioner would be the best combination for my hair. Another reason why I went for these products is that they don't contain silicon which I am trying to cut out of my hair care routine because it can make my hair look greasier sooner. 


When these products first got released and everyone was trying them and putting them on Instagram, the first thing that I noticed was how cute the packaging was (I'm a sucker for cute packaging). Packaging isn't everything when it comes to a product but it definitely helps to draw you in. The packaging of the Hair Food shampoo and conditioners looks a lot like drinks cartons which I think was the point and each scent of the product has a colour packaging, I nearly brought the watermelon products because of how cute the packaging is but decided to go for the Coconut because it will actually suit my hair. 

Product Amount & Price 

When I used to buy shampoo and conditioner I would always just reach for whatever was on sale at the time and go from there but when I went into Superdrug I wasn't actually looking for a sale but I was luckily surprised that both shampoo and conditioner were only £2.69 which was such a bargain, these products are usually £6 each which is still pretty good. Another plus with this product is that you get a good amount of product with 350ml each, I like to use a lot of product in each hair wash and I have used it around 4 times now and there's still plenty of product (I also think my boyfriends been using them on his hair too!). 

Key Features 

  • Lightweight texture Instantly absorbs with no weigh down 
  • Detangles the hair
  • 98% Natural ingredients 
  • Vegan formula 
  • Made with 50% recycled plastic and can be recycled 
  • No silicons  

First Impression 

My hair can be very unruly and frizzy on the first few days it's been washed, but before trying these shampoos and conditioners I was on a mission to find products that will give me sleek hair on the first day it had been washed. One of the first things that I noticed when using these products was the smell, anything that has a lovely smell already has a place in my heart but this shampoo and conditioner literally smelled good enough to eat, the sweet but fresh scent of Coconut and Macadamia was amazing! The scent didn't last too long after I washed it but it was still a big plus for me. 

Washing my hair is a whole task, I have to set out half of the day to give myself enough time to do my hair. Using these products actually made washing my hair quite fun because I could see the product working to detangle my hair while washing it and it didn't take as long to get the shampoo lathered up and it also didn't take long to wash out. The shampoo was lovely to use, it got foamy really quickly and if you have shorter hair you probably wouldn't need a lot of product at all, my hair is really long so I did need a lot to get it all over my hair but it still lathered really well. Like I said before it also washed out really easily which I liked a lot because I hate having to stand there rinsing my hair forever! 

Now the conditioner is my favourite product out of the two of them, I think this product really made a difference to my hair. On a usual wash day, I will do one shampoo, then a hair masks for around 20 minutes and then a normal conditioner and wash it all out but to try out these products I decided to not use a mask and see if it makes a difference. I did a normal shampoo washed that out and then used this conditioner as a mask, I used my fingers to brush this product through my hair and that's when I saw that it was easier to run my fingers through it. I left the conditioner on for around 15 minutes and washed it out and began the long drying process.

After drying and styling my hair I did notice some differences in my hair, there weren't many flyaways and it did look a lot sleeker but it still needed a few days to settle down before it looked exactly how I wanted it. For the point of this review, I wanted to try these products on their own without any other styling products but going forward I would still use these products but I would also add a few of my other favourites like a serum to help my hair look smooth and sleek. 

Pin For Later...

Overall I am really impressed with these products, I wouldn't say that it was a miracle product but it did definitely work at effectively washing my hair and helping it look a lot more smooth and it also helped my hair feel really soft. Have you tried any of these products before? 

If you aren't already don't forget to follow my Socials! 

Aaliyah xo


  1. Great post! I really need to buy a new conditioner as I'm getting bored of mine, thank you for sharing x

    1. These products are great and the conditioner is definitely my favourite! X

  2. I love the packaging on these Garnier shampoo and conditioner bottles! I may have to try these as I'm feeling the need to change my current shampoo and conditioner! x

    Lucy | www.lucymary.co.uk

    1. The packaging is the cutest! They have so many different options for different hair types as well so there will definitely be an option for you! X

  3. I've been looking at these since they came out but now you've convinced me I need to get them. Great review.

  4. I am seeing bloggers rave about this new range EVERYWHERE! I love coconut as a scent in my skincare so I'd love this for my hair! Love your snaps


  5. I have never seen these but also haven't stepped in a supermarket or Boots for like ages! I love the blend of coconut and macadamia! I was looking for something new to try, so these come at the right time x

  6. I Jones love this range I have used it before in the banana scent and it's really great. I've not used this version but it sounds great x

    SHY - https://www.shyyshianne.com/

  8. It's been a while since I've tried any Garnier shampoo/conditioner, although I swear by their hair dyes, which are fab. I'm a fan of coconut and I have frizzy curly hair so these sound good, especially as they're on offer! x

  9. I love the packaging they have picked, but my hair is so fussy that changing anything for it its more damaging than positive! I'm glad though they work great for you!

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