This Sunday in the UK the clocks go back and the evenings get darker earlier and this is the best time to have a lazy autumn pamper night in, In this post, I will let you know about how I have a perfect paper night that can be done alone or with friends for a night In. 


For a cosy night in it is very important to have the right products on hand to have a really relaxing evening. These are the products I always use when I need a bit of a pick me up!

Montagne Jeunesse Black Raspberry Body Scrub 
This is more of a pre pamper night product but I had to add it to this guide as it really is amazing at keeping my skin feel extra smooth and soft. This scrub contains black raspberries and grapes which are amazing at getting rid of free radicals. This scrub also has the added benefits crushed bamboo which helps to remove dead skin cells. This product has a really different consistency to other scrubs that I've tried as it had more of a fluffy feel which I think adds to making the skin feel extra moisturised. 

This mask I recently got for my birthday that you can see in my #GAMEFACE Box Review and have been obsessed ever since! This mask is so perfect for an Autumn night in firstly because it just looks so fun with it being silver and because it really works. With this mask, you can feel your skin getting firmer within the first few seconds of it being on your skin but not in an uncomfortable way. This mask is also a peel off making just adding to the fun and it always makes your skin feel so soft and hydrated. 

Thera°Pearl Hot and Cold Eye Mask

This mask is actually the most relaxing thing that I own, I usually use this mask to help with my headaches, you can find out more about this in my Review of this product. This mask can be used hot and cold to calm the eye area and relax the skin around the eyes. I would probably use this mask just before going to bed on my pamper night as the hot temperature is great for calming and relaxing me to get me ready for bed.

Pecksniffs Aromatherapy Deep Sleep Aromatherapy Candle 

For a good pamper night you have to have a candle burning in the background and my go-to candle at the moment is this Deep Sleep Aromatherapy candle. Once of finished with my bath and pop my face mask on I light this candle, this is the perfect candle for winding down and getting ready to relax. This candle also has the added benefit of it being aromatherapy meaning its safe to breathe in and relaxes the body.


For the perfect pamper night if it's either by yourself or with friends then there has to be some form of entertainment for the perfect night in.


If you don't have Netflix then you are probably missing out, with their own original range and then hundreds of other movies and tv to get stuck into. I have recently been loving Making A Murderer which is such a binge-worthy Tv show about the life of Steven Avery who is in prison for Murder, this can be a hard programme to watch because its real life but I would 100% recommend watching it if you haven't already. The other show I've been loving recently is Riverdale, this show is based Archie comics, there's a mix of comedy and mysteries which makes it perfect binge-worthy Tv.


Just before bed I always like to relax by getting stuck into a good book especially for a good pamper sessions and its great to have some quality me time. The books I have been reading at the moment is the Harry Potter books, I think I'm the worst Harry Potter fan as I've watched all the movies numerous but never got round to read all the books until now. I'm only on The Chambers Of Secrets which I'm loving and can't wait to get through them all.

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Pamper nights in the Autumn have got to be my favourite, while its so cold outside it perfect to relax and unwind in the warmth. What do you do for your pamper nights?

Aaliyah xo


  1. Great suggestions for a pamper night :) I love a cosy night in - it's so relaxing when you feel nice and warm when all cosied up, especially if it's raining! My brother's girlfriend actually recommended the 'Making A Murderer' series to me yesterday, so it's cool to see another person recommending it. I'll be looking into this later on today.


  2. I love this post! I swear I have more pamper nights in Autumn/Winter than I do the other time of the year. What you've spoke about here is perfect. I adore watching Netflix in the evening there's nothing better.

    Gemma |

  3. Great post! I haven't read Harry Potter in ages!

  4. Great suggestions! I love cosy nights in, especially at this time of year. I've been watching Making a murderer too, and it's such a crazy story mental to think its real life xx

    Hannah | luxuryblush

  5. I'm not heavily into having pamper nights but i do love to use a an under eye mask every so often!

    Ellie //

  6. Haha, are we twins?! This legitimately could be my list too! I haven't bought an eye mask yet, though I was looking for one the other day! I ended up buying a heat up one with lavender scent which I was all excited about until I realised it was disposable after one use! I'll have a look into yours as I didn't realise they could help with headaches too, and I get headaches all the time!

    Rhianna x

  7. I have not had a pamper night in in ages but i miss it! I'd need some relaxing face mask, candles lit all arond the room and netflix!

  8. love any kind of candle for my ideal pamper night - especially on a cosy Autumn evening! Seeing that Harry Potter book gave me such childhood vibes, I need to pick up my own copy at home x

    Morgan //

  9. Ooh this just made me realise that I didn't have my candle lit! Gorgeous post - sounds like the perfect night in although I would have a dilemma over Netflix or a book! Loved this!

  10. I love a good pamper night! I haven't had one in a while but I love getting cosy with a candle, Netflix and giving myself a full pamper with a face mask x


  11. I absolutely love Netflix, I've just finished Making A Murderer too!

    Love, Amie ❤
    The Curvaceous Vegan
